Thank you BHS Careers in Education! CBS' second graders enjoyed the visit and creating "Wanted" posters to go along with the book!

A very active couple of days for ACE1 and ACE 2 with our Buddies Kickball game and the Rolling Thunder Bowling tournament!

Over 40 CBS students participated in our Pi Day challenge today with Ms. Robb! Thank you to all the students who worked so hard to participate in the challenge and a special shout out to our winners who remembered over 100 digits! 🥧3️⃣.1️⃣4️⃣🥧

Opening Night!

We started our mornings with music and celebrated math at the Magic of Math assembly! 💙💛🎶✖️➗➕➖🟰

CBS loved celebrating decades day for math and music! 💙💛💙💛

This morning, our CBS Broadcasting Club, kicked off the day with a fun 'This or That' segment, welcoming students and our special guest, Mr. Guerriero, at arrivals - all caught on camera for the next broadcast! 🎥

Congratulations to the newest inductees of the JFK National Junior Honor Society!

BHS Buddies out for an afternoon of kickball. A great lead into the Spring.

JFK National Jr Honor Society Induction Ceremony. A wonderful achievement for this hard working group of 8th graders. Well done.

To celebrate World Language week, students had a blast learning Bachata and Merengue from our very own Ms. Salcedo! What a fun and unforgettable way to experience culture in motion!

Proud to celebrate our Golden Eagles student athletes as we congratulate seven seniors committed to furthering their athletic careers in college. Lots of dedication and sacrifice from these students and their families to get to this point in their lives. Let's Go!!!!

Congratulations to our senior student athletes who are continuing their athletic career at the next level!!🇺🇸🦅Once an Eagle always an Eagle!! #wearebethpage

This weekend the Art Supervisors Association All-County Art Exhibit took place at Herricks HS. Bethpage student artists had 27 pieces in the exhibit! Congratulations to Gianna Fernandez, who won the ASA scholar artist recognition for her work and all our student artists featured in the exhibit. Special thank you to Dr. Kay and the Chamber Ensemble who performed music for the show! The best of Bethpage Fine & Performing Arts was on display this weekend!

Students in John F. Kennedy Middle School's Grade 7-8 French Class are visiting Quebec this weekend! Here they are in front of the infamous La Fresque des Quebecois mural.

Having a blast at Battle of the Classes! #wearebethpage

Congratulations to Xavier Kulak for representing Nassau County and Bethpage HS at the State swimming championships!!!!🇺🇸🦅🏊♂️#wearebethpage

Students teaching students in Mr.Franzke's class!

Is there a better way to end an exciting week than by visiting Ms. Bula's 7th-grade art class and seeing creativity in action? The students are hard at work on their latest projects, and the talent on display is truly inspiring!

Music In Our Schools month continues at KL! Students performed the pieces that they'll be playing at NYSSMA this weekend.