Professional Learning
Below are the agenda and resources from professional learning sessions delivered in Bethpage Schools by the IT Department and Help Desk. Note that you may be required to login with your Bethpage Google Apps for Education credentials to access some of the provided resources.
Board Docs
Board Docs Overview for the Board of Education (February 23, 2016 at Bethpage Administration)
Breakout EDU
Escape Room in a Box (November 7, 2017 at John F. Kennedy Middle School)
Computer Based Field Testing
Computer Based Field Testing Guide for Elementary School (May 18, 2016 at Bethpage Administration)
Computer Based Field Testing for Grades 3-8: ELA & Math (February 8, 2017 at Bethpage Administration)
Google Chromebooks
Google Chromebook for Beginners (October 15, 2015 at BHS; October 20, 2015 at JFK; October 28, 2015 at CBS & CCS; October 29, 2015 at KLS)
Bethpage Collection of Chrome Applications & Extensions (Slide Deck)
Launching Chrome Apps on Device Other than Google Chromebook
Bethpage Collection of Chrome Applications & Extensions (Guide)(November 3, 2015 at BHS (Grades 3-5, Grades 9-12) and at JFK (Grades 6-8))
Bethpage Chrome Applications & Extensions to Support Flipped Classrooms & Presentations (December 21, 2015 at BHS; Period 7)
Google Classroom: New Features, Archiving Classrooms, Setting Up Classrooms for 2017-18 (September 11, 2017 at BHS; September 13, 2017 at JFK)
Google Classroom: NEW Features in 2018-19, Working Session to Build Your 'Classrooms' for Day 1 (August 30, 2018 & September 4, 2018)
Tips, Tricks, and Applications (Socrative, Quizlet Live, Quick Draw!)(November 5, 2019)
Google Meet for Synchronous Learning or Videoconferencing (March 18, 2020)
Recording a Google Meet Videoconference (March 23, 2020)
Google Chromebook Pickup and Onboarding (August 20, 2020 & August 26, 2020)
Technology Tricks and Shortcuts (November 8, 2022)
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus Updates for Start of School (September 1, 2015 during JFK, CBS, CCS, KLS Faculty Meetings)
NWEA Teacher-Proctor Training for Elementary Schools (September 8, 2015 at CBS; September 9, 2015 at CCS; September 10, 2015 at KLS)
NWEA Teacher-Proctor Training for John F. Kennedy (September 18, 2015 at JFK)
NWEA Teacher-Proctor Guide for John F. Kennedy (May 25, 2016)
NWEA Reports Spotlight (October 13, 2015 at CBS; October 14, 2015 at CCS & KLS; October 19, 2015 at JFK)
NWEA Administering Your Own Test Session (Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at JFK)
NWEA Proctoring Guide for JFK Teachers (Wednesday, September 28, 2016 at JFK)
NWEA: Creating Your Test Session Buckets, Administering Your Own Test, and New Features (Monday, September 18, 2017 at JFK)
NWEA: Creating Your Test Session Bucket and Review of the Testing Workflow (Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at JFK)
NWEA MAP Growth Reports (Monday, November 5, 2018 at CBS; Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at CCS; Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at CCS)
Using PlayPosit to Create 'Bulbs' to Support Instruction (April 11, 2016)
Screencasting and YouTube to Support Teaching and Learning (November 8, 2016 at BHS)
Using Screencastify to Create Screencasts (March 15, 2020)
KITE Client Overview for NYSAA (January 4, 2016 at Bethpage Administration)