October 6, 2022
Students at Kramer Lane are enjoying our new book vending machine when awarded tokens for acts of kindness. Thank you Kramer Lane PTA!!

September 27, 2022
Fourth grader students at Kramer Lane Elementary School visited the school’s STEM Lab classroom during the week of September 19-23 for interactive lessons all about waves. Throug...

September 21, 2022
Students and families from throughout the Bethpage School community gathered for an evening of fun during the Bethpage PTA Council’s annual Back-to-School Bash on Friday, Septembe...
September 7, 2022
New educators received a warm welcome to Bethpage Schools during the district’s annual New Staff Orientation on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. The day allowed the new staff members t...

September 6, 2022
Students throughout Bethpage Schools eagerly entered their school buildings for the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year on Thursday, September 1, 2022. They received a warm we...