Rick Yarosh Speaking with Students

Sixth and seventh graders from John F. Kennedy Middle School received a special visit from Tom Murphy and Rick Yarosh of Sweethearts and Heroes on Thursday, May 18, 2023. Sweethearts and Heroes is an organization that visits schools to speak about the impact of hopelessness and bullying and aims to build empathy and compassion among people.

Mr. Murphy, the founder of Sweethearts and Heroes, and Mr. Yarosh, H.O.P.E. expert, kicked off the day by hosting a special presentation for the students in the school’s auditorium. The powerful presentation emphasized the importance of being compassionate, building positive social connections, and fostering emotional resilience. Mr. Yarosh shared his personal story of resilience as he spoke about his time as a Sergeant in the United States Army and how he was severely injured by an IED in 2006. This life-changing event resulted in the death of his friend, along with second and third degree burns on more than 60% of his body, a leg amputation, and more.

Throughout the presentation, students were also encouraged to put an end to bullying and spread H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Possibilities Exist).

“Sweethearts and Heroes delivered a dynamic and interactive presentation that reached our students on a deeper level,” Assistant Principal Erin Hayes said. “It was evident by the reactions they received from students as they walked through the hall that they had made connections with them and, even more important, helped our students to make connections with each other.”

Following the morning presentation, Mr. Yarosh visited classrooms to answer specific questions that the students had. The middle schoolers learned more about his recovery both mentally and physically, and about his life. In the school library media center, Mr. Murphy facilitated circle group discussions with student volunteers which were engaging and meaningful for those involved. The day concluded with Mr. Yarosh and Mr. Murphy speaking with John F. Kennedy Middle School staff and continuing to spread their positive messages. The entire day was a special experience for the school community.