The Bethpage Board of Education is bringing forward a Capital Project that addresses several essential infrastructure upgrades identified in our Building Condition Survey throughout the district. This includes:
roof restorations or replacements at all buildings
upgrades to heating and electrical systems at all buildings
repairs to elevators at JFK and KLS
exhaust systems upgrades
resurfacing of the BHS track
replacement of the KLS playground
In addition, the project proposal includes a few educational and extracurricular enhancements:
addition of a BHS fitness center
renovation of the Little Theater at BHS
installation of a multisport turf field at CBS for student and community use
The total cost of the proposed plan is approximately $24 million and requires community approval. It is important to note that should the community approve the referendum, it will have NO ADDITIONAL tax increase on residents. Of this amount, $12 million will be allocated from the district’s existing capital reserve fund (which is similar to a savings account). The remaining $12 million would be funded through a tax neutral bond, meaning that it would not result in any additional cost to residents as payments would replace expiring debt.
The District will be conducting the community vote on the 2025 Capital Project on Tuesday, March 18 from 7am - 8pm at the BHS Auxiliary Gym.
The District will be providing more information in many forms in the coming weeks through newsletters, meeting with our PTAs and community partners, as well as hosting an informational meeting on March 4th at 7:30pm at BHS for any community member who wishes to attend.
Click here to view the Capital Improvement Project Newsletter.
Click here to view 3/4/25 Town Hall presentation
Voter Information
For those not already registered to vote, the district will host a special registration session on Saturday, February 8th from 8-11 a.m. in the Administration Building.
Please call the District Clerk at 516-644-4002 for additional information.
(To be filed with District Clerk)