2022-23 Science Research Alumni

More than 15 Bethpage High School alumni returned to the school on Friday, January 6, 2023 to participate in the school’s first science research alumni panel. Current Science Research and AP Research students were invited to the special after school event to gain advice from the alumni who also went through Bethpage High School’s Science Research program.

Science Research teacher Nicole Dulaney opened the panel by warmly welcoming the alumni back and explaining the importance of this new event which the Science Research program hopes to make an annual tradition.

 “The goal of the panel is to further strengthen our Science Research community and to establish a strong alumni network,” said Ms. Dulaney. “My hope is for current research students to make connections with the alumni and learn about their journeys and how Science Research has helped shape them in their college and career choices.”

The alumni sat at a long table at the front of the room and introduced themselves to the Bethpage High School students. They shared their names, when they graduated Bethpage High School, where they attended or are currently attending college and if applicable, what they are doing as a career.

The current research students had the opportunity to ask questions which ranged from topics about college life, overcoming obstacles, and finding what career path you want to pursue after high school. The alumni shared valuable advice, reflecting on their own time in the school’s Science Research program, and how it prepared them for college and beyond. The event was a positive way to connect current students and graduates together through their love of research.